Thursday, February 12, 2009

On the verge of a break down!

Life right now is...bad.

My best friend and Ihave been living together for almost a year now and last month we had enough. Her mother had given her a treadmill that she wasn't using anymore, which is great for her because she's always complaining about her weight. But what's not great is that she wanted to stick it in the middle of our small appartments living room. I am all for her getting in shape but I'm not for a huge peice of exercise equipment taking up the small space we have. We fought. It was our first fight in 6 years. We usually don't fight because I am such a push over and let what ever we are fighting about go but that day I couldn't. I decided I needed to move out to save out relationship, so I told her. The next day she informed me that she wanted to move out also...well if we both move out that ends our lease and we have to give a 20 day notice...which means we had to spend another twenty days together. I was very upset because I had a place all set up to move out in Jan but now I had to find another place because we had to wait till the end of Feb.

Also during this same time at work they were hiring a person to live with the clients I support and get paid to do it. I applied on a whim and my boss was really pleased. She even saw me looking for places online and asked me to stop because she "knew" I would get the job. Well, she didn't give it to me. And I am really upset. Why give me false hope?

Anyways I have no where to go at the end of the month. Blah!!!